Playing video games is certainly a popular pastime but not one likely to lead to many future benefits. Kids today spend so much time in front of a screen that they miss out on the many amazing things right outside their front door. Encourage your child to let go of the controller and spend some time on a hands-on hobby. The following are just a few ideas we’ve found great success with to help get you started.

Being cooped up inside the house on a rainy, snowy, cold, or dreary day can make all of us antsy, especially children. However, you can make the most of those days when you have a few activities up your sleeve! These nine low-cost activities will keep your kids from wasting the day away in front of the TV while providing them an opportunity to learn something new.


We will always need science. Discovery, research, innovation, and invention will forever be in the fabric of modern society. As today’s children grow up, the demand for people working in the field of science will continue to grow as well. The earlier children develop an interest in science, the more likely their interest will continue into adulthood. If your children are young enough to plant the seed or if they’ve already shown interest in a STEM subject, get them involved in these activities to keep the momentum going.